Business Region Örebro


Use our search tools to find information and facts about buildings, facilities, and land ready for industrial development in the region.

Hallsberg - Ulvsäter

Welcome to Hallsberg. Right smacky dack at the largest shunting yard of the nordics. 50 hectares with plenty of power (24MW) for everything that you need.
You know what? Ready to build

Örebro - Bettorp

Looki looki, 10 hectares connected to Örebro city. Where else can u find that!?
We even took down all the trees for you
And if you ever want to leave E18/E20 is right there.
Also ready to build

Örebro - Palmbohult

At the Home of Truck Stop Radio we have prepared a massive 55 hectares ready to build.
Enjoy great neighbours like all the major heavy transport manufacturers. For your heavy load this is a one stop shop

Kumla -Via

Kumla excells in shoes, phones and pine trees. What will you bring?
Whatever it is (as long as it´s legal) we will be ready for you. 20 hecares ready to build.

Ljusnarsberg - Bångbro

In the south of bergslagen we have prepared 6 hectares ready to build, with that genuine Kansas feelz. Located next to road 50 between Borlänge and Örebro. The worlds most sold cider is just around the corner.

Business Region Örebro

Business Region Örebro, owned by Region Örebro County, is a partnership between all municipalities of the Örebro region: Askersund, Degerfors, Hallsberg, Hällefors, Karlskoga, Kumla, Laxå, Lekeberg, Lindeberg, Ljusnarsberg, Nora, and Örebro. Business Region Örebro manages business issues and drives growth by supporting more entrepreneurs to start up, establish, and expand their businesses in the region.

Kontakta oss


Visiting address
Drottninggatan 9, 701 35 Örebro


Postal address
Box 30000, 701 35 Örebro


Phone number
+4619 21 10 00

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